Video Posted – Jim Singleton

Video Posted – Jim Singleton

What might a new Presbyterian fellowship look like and how would it relate to the PC(USA)?  Jim Singleton, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian in Colorado Springs, CO, shares some ideas in this video. Check it out here.

4 Responses

  1. Mark Geeathouse says:

    With all respect to Rev Singleton and in the fervent hope that biblical Christian values will ultimately prevail, I found the relationship with PC(USA) as described in the video difficult to accept and perhaps unrealistic. It seems unnatural and overly contrived. I suggest that there is far more enmity within our more conservative congregations against the liberal universalist forces that would corrupt biblical truth for a better “fit” with today’s culture. I believe we are indeed looking at a great schism in the PC(USA) that will come to a head if amendment G-6.0106b, the nFOG, and/or the Belhar Confession are approved. We may soon find ourselves embroiled with individual church votes of congregations separating from PC(USA), legal fights over assets, churches switching to PCA or ARP, and similar issues not unlike what was encountered by the Episcopal Church in the U.S. The encroachment of liberal universalistic thinking brings out an emotional, highly-charged reaction from reform-minded Presbyterians. The PC(USA) has been steadily losing membership for the past three decades and the loss has accelerated with the ongoing liberalization of PC(USA) theology. I for one am pessimistic that Rev Singleton’s idea could fill the breach.

  2. Marci Glass says:

    Plenty of people on the progressive side of the church, including me, are not universalists. We also take Scripture and the Confessions very seriously. In order for us to have any sort of conversation moving forward, it would be helpful for us all to not stereotype the beliefs of the “other”.
    We are all ONE in Christ. I seek to understand your viewpoint, even as I might disagree with it. And in my experience, we likely have more in common than we have in disagreement.
    While I don’t agree with or fully understand all of the Fellowship’s proposals, I do recognize the intent, at least, to recognize that we are all one in Christ. I have to believe that we are stronger together than we are apart.
    But in order for that to work, there has to be respect on both sides for theological understandings. To say that because I don’t agree with a conservative, literalist understanding of Scripture means that I don’t value Scripture or I don’t understand Scripture makes this conversation a non-starter.
    I very much hold myself accountable to Scripture and submit myself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Who are you to decide that where that submission takes me is “corrupt” or “universalist”?

  3. Mark Greathouse says:

    Therein is the rub. My comments described an overarching set of perceptions and beliefs held by many Presbyterians. Ms. Glass’ remarks have sought to personalize my comments, as though my comments were aimed directly at her. Frankly, that sort of recasting of argument and personalization is part of the problem splitting PC(USA), and it is a very common liberal political tactic. Indeed, our beliefs are quite personal, and it is challenging to separate the overall theology of the church and our individual beliefs on how the Bible should be faithfully interpreted in our denomination. I came out of an Associate Reformed Presbyterian church and found ARP (like PCA) far more in alignment with traditional Biblical teaching and values. We did not ordain women as pastors or elders and wouldn’t dream of ordaining a homosexual. So far as my personally “deciding” that anyone is corrupt or a universalist, there’s nothing personal about it unless someone chooses to change the tenor of the argument and make it personal. There are many PC(USA) members who think exactly as I do, and – as I suggest in my original comment – it will be at the heart of what divides the PC(USA) into two denominations. Meanwhile, if you are indeed one in Christ and submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, I suggest that future comments be neither personalized or accusatory.

  4. Ken Folmsbee says:

    Unlike many who have left the PC(USA) and migrated to the EPC, PCA, etc., I came to the PC(USA) in 2003 from the PCA (albeit for personal reasons). As one who holds a high view of Scripture and a consesrvative, I was hesitant, but knew God’s call was upon my life. What’s more, I was an ordained Baptist minister for nineteen years and shifted from Dispensationalism to Covenant Theology. I was blessed to be called to a conservative congregation and we continue to grow in the faith. However, as a pastor,I am eager to be in fellowship or affiliated with or those who are like-minded. I share Mark’s concern about it working within the confines of the denomination, but it remains to be seen. Without a doubt, a substantive renewal effort is overdue. Jim Singleton’s video was a good explanation of what has been laid down to date, and hopefully some more definitive ideas/strategies/objectives will materialize in Minneapolis. I, for one, will be there.

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