An important part of being in The Fellowship Community is accountability – spurring one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). As a way to connect, encourage, and provide accountability for churches and their leaders, every Fellowship Community congregation should be in a Mission Affinity Group (MAG).
MAGs connect churches at the session (board of elders) level. A MAG is made up of 3-4 congregations who share a similar ministry context (such as location, size, or demographics), a specialized ministry setting (like a college campus or a city center), or common ministry goals. MAGs may include congregations beyond The Fellowship Community as long as they agree with the Essential Tenets. Once a MAG is formed, the participating leaders commit to meet regularly – at least once a year for at least three years – and to stay connected in other ways in between meetings.
Each congregation in the MAG evaluates their ministry using the Narrative on the Health of Mission and Ministry. The Narrative is a contemporary adaptation of a practice from Presbyterian history designed to help a session evaluate the biblical focus of their ministry – how well are they keeping God’s mission the center of their mission? Go deeper with the Narrative Questions here.
When a MAG meets, each congregation shares their answers to the Narrative questions. Leaders can share best practices, discover ways to collaborate in mission, and pray with and for each other as they face opportunities and challenges.
Read the testimony of one of our MAGs to see how valuable a MAG can be.
Read one church’s answers to the Narrative Questions here as an example.