The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete

The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete

The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete

The Rev. Dr. Neal Presa opened the 221st General Assembly with a sermon on Luke 24:28-51 and Romans 15:1-6 titled “Pilgrims’ Pitstops: The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete.”

We have included the text of Dr. Presa’s sermon below as a downloadable pdf. He encourages us to take the time to have the gospel story re-energize our lives. The gospel should put a pause on our consistently moving lives, and recalibrate our hearts to the heart of God. He says that in the gospel and the sacraments “…we are re-set, like a broken bone, to live and breathe again for the sake of Jesus.” What a great reminder! Let his closing prayer be your prayer as you read the sermon and may you be blessed by it.

221st General Assembly and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – abound in hope.

For you see what God has done.

Abound in hope.

For you see what God is doing.

Abound in hope.

For you see what God promises to do all of our days.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Rev Neal Presa Sermon (PDF)