An Invitation to Fasting and Prayer

An Invitation to Fasting and Prayer

First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, SC is issuing an invitation to engage with
other concerned Presbyterians from across the country in a Solemn Assembly of
Prayer on August 21, 2011. This event is in anticipation of the Fellowship Gathering in Minneapolis, MN on August 25‐26. Congregations are invited to participate in a day of fasting and an hour of focused prayer to seek God’s grace and guidance. Learn more about this event and scheduled prayer times here.

5 Responses

  1. Chuck says:

    Let us not forget to pray for the two cases, ( Eric Parnell (and others) v. The Presbytery of San Francisco) and (An appeal by Caledonia Presbyterian Church of Portage, Wis. to overturn the ordination of self-affirmed gay candidate Scott Anderson). Both cases will be presented before the GAPJC on July 29th.

    Let us pray that the Holy Spirit and Scripture will guide the decisions of the GAPJC and that their decisions will bring clarity to the Fellowship Gathering in August.

  2. On July 29, 2011 , the appeals in the remedial cases of Parnell v San Francisco Presbytery andCaledonia v. John Knox Presbytery will be heard by the GAPJC in Louisville. Both cases deal with ordination decisions at odds with Constitutional and Scriptural standards.

    In the Parnell matter, the PJC Case Committee requested a supplemental brief on whether the case is moot because of 10-A.

    The attached is the complainant’s submission, which argues: the case regarding the approval of Lisa Larges’ ordination under G-106.6b is not mooted by 10-A because 10-A does not present a new standard. Both the current G-6 and 10-A refer to the source of the fidelity/chastity standard: the Scriptures, which have not changed.

    What is at issue is nothing less than whether the PCUSA still acknowledges Scripture as the “only true guide to faith and practice.” The question is presented starkly: does the Scripture’s prohibition of homosexual relationships still guide our ordination standards?

    The presbyteries in both cases argue the meaning of Scripture is obscure and that it is not the purview of the Commission to impose the single, unchanging interpretation suggested by the complainants.

    The Commission’s decision is expected to be released by August 3. There is concern the Commission may seek to avoid controversy by issuing a narrow opinion that only applies to G-6.0106 and does not consider 10-A, or one based on esoteric procedural grounds. These options are only available if Presbyterians don’t understand their implication. Let’s be clear: if the Commission does anything other than boldly declare that Scripture’s requirement for fidelity in heterosexual marriage or chastity in singleness is clear and binding on the church, it implicitly is upholding the opposite; the Commission will be saying that Scripture no longer guides us; that it no longer is binding on the church. Anything other than a clear declaration in favor of the authority of the revealed Word of God is a declaration against it.

    Pray for case counsel, Rev. Mary Holder Naegeli and elders Bruce McIntosh and Whit Brisky, as they present the cases. Pray also for the commissioners that they will understand that upholding the clear mandate of Scripture regarding sexual ethics is not only their obligation and duty, but their spiritual act of worship.

    Rev. Rick Carter, a PCUSA pastor in New Jersey, has a good analysis of the meaning of the possible outcomes of this case:

    More documents and case information can be found on Mary Naegeli’s website: Especially read the Appellant’s Supplemental Brief.

    Mary Naegeli
    Bruce McIntosh

    • Jake Horner says:

      I read the brief and thought it was brilliant. But, as you stated above, there is lots of wiggle room for the PJC.

      Thanks for your faithful hard work over so many years.


  3. I wonder how many churches have responded to this call? First, Lake Jackson, TX will be gathering for prayer on that day.

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