Adam Neder Presenting at the October Theology Conference

Adam Neder Presenting at the October Theology Conference

What difference does Jesus Christ make for the way we teach Christianity?  If he is truly God and truly human, if he reveals God to us and us to ourselves, how should that shape our approach to teaching the Christian faith?  If our goal is for people to know God, and if we are incapable of producing knowledge of God in those whom we teach, where does that leave us? Drawing on the work of Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Adam Neder will offer clear and creative theological and spiritual reflections on the art of teaching the Christian faith at this year’s Theology Conference in San Diego.

Adam Neder is the Bruner-Welch Professor of Theology at Whitworth University.  In addition to a number of articles and reviews, he is the author of Participation in Christ: An Entry Into Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics and Theology As a Way of Life: On Teaching and Learning the Christian Faith, which will be released November 5.  Adam teaches a wide range of popular courses and has been voted the most influential professor at Whitworth by four senior classes.


Register here for this year’s Theology Conference October 16-18