Category: Together

Just a Reminder

I wonder how you feel about Lent right now. We’re about 3/4 of the way through this season leading towards Easter. Holy Week is approaching. For some of us, Lent doesn’t mean much beyond a mention or two in worship on a Sunday morning. But others are practicing various disciplines, reflection or confession, and that…
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Lent, National Gathering, and More

It was nearly a year ago, when I found myself immersed in the conversations of how and what’s next for TFC. At the time, serving as a Board member, many were talking about how to diversify, how to grow younger, and how to become increasingly better neighbors. Those conversations eventually gave way to the opportunity…
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Simple Faith

“Things are a wreck, violence is everywhere, morality is at an all-time low and the Church of Jesus is more problem than solution.” One way or another, I hear some version of this every week. Most of the time, I have to just nod and agree. Are things worse than at other times in history?…
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단순한 믿음

“모든 것이 망가지고, 폭력이 난무하고, 도덕은 바닥이고, 예수님의 교회는 해결보다는 문제가 많습니다.” 이와 비슷한 말들을 이런 저런 경로로 매주 듣고 있습니다. 대부분의 경우에 저는 그저 끄떡거리며 동의할 수 밖에 없습니다. 역사상 이처럼 나쁠 경우가 있었나요? 잘은 모르지만, 최소한 부정적인 일들의 순전한 속도가 빨라진 것은 사실입니다. 미국교회들은 문을 닫거나 사회봉사단체로 바뀌고 있고, 목사들은 목회를 내려 놓고…
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