Category: Prayer

September Prayer

Gracious Lord, We come before you in awe of your majesty and marvel at your goodness. For you are truly good and we know what is good, holy and pure because of you. We have not always reflected your love, compassion and goodness in this world and yet you remain faithful to your covenant even…
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Pictured a banner hanging between two trees that reads "Healing"

January Prayer

Father of all hope and promise, we begin a new year with anxious uncertainty of what lies ahead. So many of the trials and tribulations we have endured from this pandemic are still with us and the Covid-complicated challenges of daily life for so many still remain. We pray for our children whose education is…
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Pictured a banner hanging between two trees that reads "Healing"

2022년 1월의 기도

2022년 1월의 기도   모든 소망과 약속의 하나님 아버지, 우리는 앞에 놓여진 걱정스러운 불확실함 속에서 새해를 맞이합니다. 팬데믹으로 인한 많은 고통과 혼란이 아직도 우리에게 있고 코비드로 인한 일상생활의 불편함과 도전이 아직도 우리에게 남아있습니다.   원격 수업으로 인하여 원활하지 못한 교육과 제한된 사회적 교제로 인한 부작용을 당하고 있는 아이들을 위하여 기도합니다. 가족들의 생계를 위해 일을 하려고…
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December Prayer

Father, we praise the awesome power of your love and grace poured out to us in the gift of your Son. You sent the Lord Jesus to share the weakness of our worldly existence and yet bring the saving power of your Kingdom to bear on our sufferings, troubles, and misguided lives. Every year in…
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