September Prayer
Gracious Lord,
We come before you in awe of your majesty and marvel at your goodness. For you are truly good and we know what is good, holy and pure because of you. We have not always reflected your love, compassion and goodness in this world and yet you remain faithful to your covenant even when we are unfaithful. We ask for your forgiveness knowing it is available now. Give us strength to lean into your promise to forgive, heal, restore and renew us as an act of your goodness.
Jesus, as we look at what September holds, we cannot help but remember the horrific events of September 11, 2001. We take a moment to pause to honor those who lost their lives. We grieve with those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. At the same time, we offer our gratitude for first responders who run toward danger to help another in need. Holy Spirit, be with all our first responders. Give them your protection. Give them you speed and wisdom to make the best decision at just the right time. For every police officer, paramedic, firefighter, doctor, nurses and all our military personnel we give thanks.
Holy Lord, thank you for your provision which sustains us everyday. Thank you for your grace that saves us. We are overwhelmed by your goodness and presence in the world and especially in our lives. All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.