Category: Community

Letting Go

My wife and I recently decided to “clean house.” It’s not like we’re hoarders (unless you count books and organ music), but we’ve lived at the same address for 15 years, experienced the invasion of “things” as our parents’ homes were closed, helped our daughter and son-in-law move in and out of multiple college dwellings…
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The Gospel in Real Life

LAKE MURRAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – A FLOOD RELIEF STORY On Saturday October 3rd and Sunday October 4th, eighteen inches of rain poured into the Midlands of South Carolina, overflowing dams, closing 260 roads and 180 bridges.  Twelve thousand homes were flooded out in what the governor called “A thousand year flood.”  The National Guard would knock on the…
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School’s Out

By Travis Fletcher – I’d like to try to connect something which is often benign at best (a presbytery meeting) with a vision for something that gets me excited: mission. Several years ago in a little town in southwest Colorado, I was sitting in a presbytery meeting at a local church. The church was located…
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A Clear Sign Pointing Ahead…

A Clear Sign Pointing Ahead…

My friend recently told me about a writing assignment given to his 6th grade daughter. She was asked to write an essay based on a before & after story from her life. She thought and thought, wrote and erased, and thought some more. He asked her what was giving her so much difficulty. She answered,…
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