Tag: prayer

Prayer for the New Year

God of all people, we thank You for an awareness of new beginnings as we begin 2023. May we be aware of Your Spirit’s leading as we discern next steps in our personal lives as well as the lives of our congregations. May we always include You in our plans, discussions, and discernment. Open us…
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December Prayer

Heavenly Father, In this season of waiting, send your Spirit to your Church. Grant us patience, wisdom, and grace, as we long for our awaited Savior, once born in a stable in Bethlehem, now seated at your right hand, waiting to return in glory as King. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate both comings…
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Cacophony is defined as “a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.” I’m embarrassed to say that my initial introduction to the word was from early Monday Night Football personality Howard Cosell in describing the loud sound of a game-night crowd. Cacophony.  It’s probably a good descriptor for our world today, don’t you think?  Good Lord. Acrimony…
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Pictured a banner hanging between two trees that reads "Healing"

January Prayer

Father of all hope and promise, we begin a new year with anxious uncertainty of what lies ahead. So many of the trials and tribulations we have endured from this pandemic are still with us and the Covid-complicated challenges of daily life for so many still remain. We pray for our children whose education is…
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