Six Great Ends (Streaming Video)

Six Great Ends (Streaming Video)

$ 50.00

Presbyterians for generations have summed up our reason for existence in what we call the Six Great Ends of the Church. What does Scripture have to teach us about these ends? How does Jesus model them for us? And how are we as The Fellowship Community called to model them for our communities and for the world? In this six-part series, pastors and lay leaders from our congregations will share their insights and ideas. Each segment includes questions to discuss with your group to help you reflect on your ministry – and to consider how Jesus might be calling us in new and fresh ways to be his Church together.

Each episode of these videos is intended to allow pastors or other church leaders to walk their congregations, sessions, Sunday school classes, small groups, or other gatherings through the Six Great Ends of the Church, as articulated in our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order (F-1.0304).
