Category: Together

March Prayer

by Tracey Davenport Great God, who made women and men in your own image, who shows no partiality, who gathers more people than we can count, people of every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, and calls us to worship: We praise you for the women and men you have called to lead…
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3월의 기도

3월의 기도 위대하신 하나님, 여자와 남자를 하나님의 형상으로 만드시고, 편견이 없으시며, 우리가 셀 수도 없는 온 족속과 열방을 부르셔서 예배하게 하시는 하나님. 사라, 라합, 드보라, 마리아 막달리아, 브리스길라와 루디아 그리고 이름을 모르는 수많은 여인들과 아브라함, 모세, 다윗, 베드로, 바울과 누가와 알려지지 않은 수많은 남자들을 부르셔서 하나님의 백성을 인도하고 하나님의 나라를 섬기게 하시니 영광을 돌려 보냅니다.…
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Life in Fellowship – David Won

Take a listen to Life in Fellowship as Pastors Mike McClenahan and David Won discuss how prayer sustains his church during these uncertain and unprecedented times. Watch the conversation on YouTube:

Keeping the Door Open

by Dan Baumgartner I am a pastor. What does this mean? Eight months into the Covid-19 era with no concrete end in sight, and possibly never a return to our previous normal, here is my answer: I’m not always sure right now. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not in despair. I’m leading session meetings by…
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