Category: 2018 National Gathering

The Strength of the Small Church at the National Gathering

In the midst of chaotic cultural change, thousands of small membership churches shine the bright light of Christ in communities, both rural and urban across our land. Though smaller congregations can feel disconnected and isolated, the yearning for community has been the impetus for many to cultivate networks or clusters involving smaller churches.  The discovery is that “together is better;” together churches are encouraged, empowered, and mobilized.

Gathering Spotlight: Trip to Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Center

At this year’s National Gathering we will have a unique opportunity to travel to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. Because of his role as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, we forget that he was a pastor and church leader first.

Gathering Workshops in Spotlight: Lessons from the Global Church

Today in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Egypt our Presbyterian brothers and sisters are reaching out in mission and ministry across great “divides”: religious, political, social and cultural. What can we learn from these friends in Christ as we seek to cross our own divides?

Get to know more of our 2018 National Gathering Speakers

We are excited about the diverse speakers and presenters who will join us in conversation around the idea of discipleship in divided times. Get to know them here!