
What to Expect in Minneapolis . . .

By Paul Detterman, Administrative Consultant for the Fellowship of Presbyterians Earlier this year, when a meeting of evangelicals was announced for the end of August, no one imagined it would become one of the defining events of 2011 for so many PC(USA) ministers and congregations.  The initial planners thought there might be a few hundred…
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A Tale of Elephants and the Mouse: Presbyterians, 10-A, and the World Church*

By Ken Bailey, Author and Lecturer in Middle Eastern New Testament Studies, New Wilmington, PA Once a small mouse was playing around the feet of a family of elephants.  The mouse suddenly decided to run down the hill away from the elephants.  The elephants did not follow the mouse. The Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2011…
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Becoming the Church God Desires Us to Be

By Jerry Deck, Executive Director of Presbyterian Global Fellowship Confession. Penitence. Contrition. Repentance.  These words, if we’re honest, are not ones that come easily for many of us.  Perhaps that’s why the Scriptures are continually repeating these words in one form or fashion.  God is abundantly aware both of our proclivity for sin and our…
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Jim Singleton Presentation

We’ve just posted a new audio presentation from Jim Singleton, which was recorded on July 4, 2011, at the Presbyterians for Renewal Christian Life Conference in Montreat, NC. He speaks about what the Fellowship is, how it began, why it matters, and what reform might look like. Rev. Singleton is Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian…
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