Tag: faith

Taking Small Steps

We’re just a small church here in Northern California, 120 people or so. We’re probably a typical group of Jesus-followers, if there is such a thing. We’re good at some things, not so much at others. We have extroverts and introverts, mature believers and people just checking out the faith. We like to do things,…
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The Word According to the Bulletin Board

Several decades ago, I attended a Christian discipleship seminar. The leader challenged us to think hard about what kind of music we listened to, so as not to be unaware of things which subtly influenced us. I still remember his litany of caution: “Anything held constantly before the mind becomes a part of you.” For…
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Merry Christmas

I’m pretty sure it was Stephen Covey, back in the day (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) who originally said, “The main thing is to let the main thing be the main thing.”  Indeed. So there I was last week, waiting for a friend to join me at the Bad Ass Coffee shop–there are…
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Simple Faith

“Things are a wreck, violence is everywhere, morality is at an all-time low and the Church of Jesus is more problem than solution.” One way or another, I hear some version of this every week. Most of the time, I have to just nod and agree. Are things worse than at other times in history?…
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