
New Ideas #4: Envisioning A New Church

“Envisioning a New Church: The Potential Is Right in Front of Us” by Paul Detterman, Executive Director of Presbyterian For Renewal People who have been shaped by Scripture are steeped in the language of individual repentance, forgiveness, grace, and a new beginning. (2 Corinthians 5:17)  But when it comes to the nature of the institutions…
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New Ideas #3: Agreeing to Agree

“Agreeing to Agree: Theology in Presbyteries” By Dr. Jerry Andrews, First Presbyterian Church, San Diego, CA In his 1954 book, The Broadening Church, Lefferts Loetscher described how a church with a once tightly-held theological core significantly relaxed its theological commitments, especially in the first half of the last century. The approval of the broadening project…
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Register for the August Gathering

The registration for the August 25-26 Fellowship gathering in Minneapolis, MN is now live. Learn more and register here.

New Video Posted: How can we find unity in disagreement?

Richard J. Mouw, President at Fuller Theological Seminary, discusses how pastoral theology can help Christians find unity in disagreement. Check it out here.