
A Pastoral Letter from PFR and the Fellowship of Presbyterians

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Meeting in Detroit, our 221st General Assembly has taken two significant actions on the teaching and practice of marriage according to the PC(USA)’s Book of Order. First, the GA approved an Authoritative Interpretation (AI) that now permits PC(USA) pastors to conduct same-sex weddings, and allows sessions to approve the…
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The Quality of Our Relationships

“The time has come,” Jesus said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 “Hey cutie, come over here!” I turned quickly to see who in the crowd said this and to whom. So did the eight fifteen year olds who were with me. The culprit was a…
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What is REAL Community? Living Life Together is Messy

What is REAL Community? Living Life Together is Messy

COMMUNITY IN VARIOUS PLACES I have heard the word ‘community’ my entire life. And when I hear the word, it conjures up all sorts of images in my mind. I think of community in terms of the place that I live and the people that live alongside me – the people who my family interacts…
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Koinonia x 2

  PAUL DETTERMAN Welcome to a new blog at the start of a new movement – the Fellowship Community. A friend joked with me that we would never be able to translate “fellowship community” into Greek because it would be “Koinonia Koinonia” (or K2). The more I thought about it, the more I realized that’s…
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