Update on Polity & Theology Work Groups

Update on Polity & Theology Work Groups

On Tuesday, December 6, the Interim Board of The Fellowship of Presbyterians will meet in Chicago. At that time, they will discuss the documents that the theology and the polity work groups have drafted. We will then post those documents on our website on Wednesday, December 7 and invite your reaction and careful response. Though we had planned to release those documents by the end of November, we feel it’s important for the Board to review them one more time for the purposes of due diligence. Thank you for your patience.

The polity and theological work groups have done an exceptional job of skillful writing in a very short time. The theology project is designed to help give shape and form to the life and witness of The Fellowship as a whole, including the new Reformed body. The polity work is specific to the new denominational entity. We are eager for you to have an opportunity to read through these materials carefully and we look forward to receiving thoughtful responses as we move together toward Orlando.