Orlando Dates have Changed

Orlando Dates have Changed

Due to anticipated needs for space and additional facilities, we have had to move the national Gathering in Orlando one week later to January 18-20, 2012 in order to secure an appropriate venue. The Gathering will begin with celebration worship on Wednesday evening including a large choir and orchestra and will conclude by 5:00PM Friday. The site we are securing is near the Orlando airport. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the date change, but wanted to be sure we could welcome and accommodate everyone who would like to participate. More detailed information will be coming in the next weeks. Registration will be open in mid to late October.

5 Responses

  1. John Stuart says:

    Synergize3 – the Pastor’s Conference with 40 great speakers is taking place Jan 17-19 in Orlando, next to the airport too. Perhaps some of their key note speakers might be willing to come to the Fellowship event too…:)

  2. Dave Moore says:

    I know that no schedule will be perfect, but the change is frustrating. We’ve already changed a Session retreat to be present in Orlando. And, the PCUSA NCD coaches retreat is in the Tampa area January 16-20. I believe that meeting also coincides with a gathering of pastors from large PCUSA churches, or at least it did last year. Further, moving more into the middle of the week eats away at vacation leave time of lay people, many of whom are making substantial sacrifices to be present.

  3. Cameron Smith says:

    I already purchased my airfare for the original dates. I understand the reasons for the change of date. However, I do wish that you would have refrained from publishing the date until you were more sure.

  4. How many people is this Conference expecting? I attended the one in Minneapolis St. Paul, they initially expected 300-350 and 1900+ turned up. This will impact my decision to attend and where I can stay.

  5. Reg Dickey says:

    Is there going to be a Regional Gathering of the PC(U.S.A.) in Orlando on Wed. Nov. 2, 2011?

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