Author: Fellowship Team

A word from Ray – April

Nashville, we are coming for you!  Many of us are descending onto the musical motherland, known as Nashville. In fact, if you are reading this prior to Tuesday April 23rd, it is not too late to join us. For many of us, the opportunity to gather annually serves as a boost in the arm, while for others it…
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A Day

Whew. I’m dragging just a little. It’s a few days after Easter. The season has been full of richness, but I’m a bit tired. I’ve written daily Lenten devotionals, newsletter columns, poems, sermons, Bible studies and planned out special services. I love what I get to do. And…I’m low on internal energy.  Perhaps you are…
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오늘 하루

휴, 조금 피곤합니다. 부활절을 지난지 며칠이 되었습니다. 부활절 기간동안 풍성함이 있었지만 조금 피곤합니다. 매일같이 사순절 묵상과 소식지 칼럼, 시와 설교를 준비했습니다. 성경공부와 특별예배 준비를 하였습니다. 저는 제가 하는 사역을 좋아합니다. 그러나 내적인 에너지가 약해졌습니다. 아마도 여러분도 부활절이나 다른 사역으로 생동감을 떨어지게 하는 것이 저와 똑같지 않을까 싶습니다. 저는 일년에 한 두 번 이런 경험을 하면서…
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A word from Ray – March

I suppose that you have already ordered your plane ticket, or charted your route with great anticipation of joining together with us, your faith family, at next month’s National Gathering.  It is going to be an absolutely great time of encountering the Lord, being refreshed as we sit together under the Word, finding encouragement in “fellowship,”…
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